Hello! This is yet another Wrestlemania Week Blog- and we're within touching distance of the Actual Event now- and this is a blog where I attempt to predict the match quality of the 9 Matches on the card.
I'm considering all aspects of every match, and in the end I've come to this list where I've ranked the matches before the event which is coming up later on today- and then tomorrow I'm going to do in essence a Part Two for this blog where I do the actual order after the event (as I see it) so it'll be good to compare when all is said and done.
9. The Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal
I spoke about it in detail yesterday with my "Booking the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal" blog I put up, but unless we get a Curtis Axel "AxelMania is Running Wild" Spot which I would love this match is going to be pretty much the definition of filler, and if Cesaro is anything to go by the winner will gain absolutely nothing from winning the match- especially when you consider the Battle Royal is even less pushed than it was Last Year. Even when it's
8. AJ Lee & Paige v The Bellas
I feel like I have to explain myself to an extent having this match so low down on the list, but I'd like to think the majority of you lot reading it will already understand it. I am a full supporter of the "Give Divas a Chance" stuff, and if I were put in charge of the Womens Division I could pretty much guarantee I could get good stuff from it, that said the "Divas" never get massive amounts of time at WrestleMania, so when you factor in this is arguably the most disposable match on the card it means these 4 women who are capable of so much more will probably get around the same amount of time The Shield got against the New Aged Outlaws did last year- if that, which isn't conducive for a good match. After all we have to have multiple musical performances to enhance the show!
7. Sting v Triple H
I don't know if people were expecting miracles when it comes to this match, but Sting by signing with WWE hasn't found the fountain of youth; age is a straight line and he's older than he ever has been (surprising isn't it) as such I'm not expecting much from the match- these two are without a doubt two of the best ever and their ring psychology could pay off to the extent they put on a good match- but unfortunately I can't see it. In Triple H's run as a "Big PPV" Part-Timer he's always been opposed by someone who can really go whether it was Brock or Taker and in both cases they had a great story-line going into it, which in my opinion this one hasn't been. I'll happily be proven wrong- but this is where I've ranked this match for the "Before".
6. Brock Lesnar v Roman Reigns
I Realise this is to an extent a contradiction because in Previous Blogs in this poorly thought out 31 Blog Week I've said I'm staying open-minded on the Main Event and it could turn into a good match. But now we're so close to the event I'm starting to put my cynicism hat on (You can get them on Amazon) and for the sake of this blog I have to look at Brock/Reigns as it is looking in the build to this PPV- and it's looking pretty ugly. In some of the previous blogs I've written this week I've spoken about a specific spot that would turn this match into a memorable one but as I said in the "Memorable Spots" blog it isn't highly likely to happen as such I can see this match with no stipulation turning into a pretty good RAW Main Event, but I think it'll just look out of place as a Wrestlemania Main Event which has a certain expectation to it.
5. KiddSaro v Los Matadores v The Uso's v The New Day
The only thing preventing these guys from being in the Top 3 is the time constraints, although they're relegated to the Pre-Show along with the Battle Royal I still can't see them getting anything north of 15 Minutes and when you consider there's 4 Teams that need to make an impact on the match, with no elimination stipulation I can't see this match becoming "extraordinary". Had they have put in an elimination stipulation I could see this match turning into a "Top 3" match because we would have eventually ended up with presumably KiddSaro and The Uso's who we know can put on a good match even if the pairing is stale. That said the guys involved are of sufficient quality to put on a good match which is why I've ranked it pretty much in the middle.
4. Rusev v John Cena
With a 9 Match Card we essentially have two "in the middle" matches- but I thought this was likely to be the better of the two middling matches. The Predominant reason is that because Cena's involved in the match it guarantees time, I didn't view the Wyatt/Cena match as one of the Main Events last year and it still got 20+ Minutes; so when you consider the build for the match this time around I think it's safe to assume they'll be getting the same amount of time. That said I was pretty torn on their Fast Lane match- I thought everything before the crescendo was really disjointed, which is perhaps understandable because unless I'm mistaken they hadn't been working House Shows together so it'll have taken a bit of time to "click" but now they've had their "sighter" at Fast Lane I'm expecting them to have a lot more chemistry together tonight and it could turn into a really good match.
3. Randy Orton v Seth Rollins
I don't rate this match from a build standpoint, I think I've made that abundantly obvious- this is not one of the so called "Multiple Main Events" so why it was Main Eventing RAWs pretty consistently in the build to tonight was beyond me, Who was buying Mania for Orton v Rollins? That said, and especially now we're down to a 7 Match Main Card with the announcement the other day I'm expecting this match to get a pretty substantial amount of time for what it is- with nothing really riding on it, and whatever you want to say about Orton's Character, or Rollins' outside the ring indiscretions- these two know how to put on a quality match, and I think they'll deliver, I think it's an outside shout for Match of the Night as I'll discuss with the two matches following it, the expectation of the match could mean the actual end product goes down somewhat in their estimations
2. Bray Wyatt v The Undertaker
I know I'm somewhat contradicting myself by ranking this match so high based on the anticipated psychology of it when I've ranked Sting v Triple H so low, the difference is I don't have an awful lot to enthuse me about Sting- I haven't seen him wrestle in ages, and the back-end of his TNA run was pretty dire. Then with The Undertaker with the exception of Last Years Mania where he was concussed he's always delivered in the matches he's been involved in- and then when you factor in Bray Wyatt as opposed to Triple H who is still relatively young in WWE Terms and has proven he can go for 20+ Minutes you have a winning formula. I discussed the Undertaker/Wyatt match in depth in my "Who Needs it More" blog I put up on Thursday that I think Wyatt needs the win more- however unlikely that is to come to fruition, you know Wyatt and Taker will make the False-Finishes proper False-Finishes and fully involve the crowd which'll only add to the match.
1. Intercontinental Championship Ladder Match
There are only two things that'll hold this match back, The time constraints they may put on it- which is almost a non-issue now in my opinion after the announcement on Wednesday reducing the Main Card to 7 Matches- and the weight of expectation that is upon this match to deliver. I've seen a lot of talk in the build to this Mania about how bad of a card it is, and I even joined in because I think it has been an awful build in general- but the one match that people have set their hats on to be a quality match is this Ladder Match. That said I do think they'll live up to said expectations- and I'll divert you to my "Memorable Spots" blog once again where I pitched two spots for this match that'd make the match truly extraordinary, and although one in particular is a long shot I think considering the guys involved this match will deliver, and in this case I hope I'm not proven wrong.
As I've already said this Blog is essentially 1 of 2 Parts, with the "After" Section coming at some point tomorrow. We're getting close to Bell Time now- you can really feel it can't you, the overwhelming wave of hatred that is about to be bestowed upon the WWE once Roman wins.
Speaking of Roman there's only one more blog between now and Wrestlemania and it is asking if Roman Reigns can become "The Guy", so stay tuned for that one a bit later on today- and let's hope Wrestlemania is good eh? Remember, Open Minds!
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