Thursday, 26 March 2015

My Top 10 Wrestlemania Anti-Climaxes

Perhaps fittingly we're starting the day on an Anti-Climactic note- with my Top 10 Wrestlemania Anti-Climaxes. This is a list where I look at what happened at the actual event- as opposed to what followed, because that'll be a completely different list. Remember, these are all personal opinions- and if you disagree with me feel free to angrily tweet me, and I'll happily explain why you're wrong.

I've picked these moments for differing reasons and at the end of the day it is personal preference, and this is by no means a definitive list- but this is the list I've come up with so enjoy (or don't, I've already got your click *evil laugh*).

10. Sheamus beats Daniel Bryan in 45 Seconds
When Sheamus won the Rumble I think it was accepted he was going to win, and I didn't have a massive objection to him winning headed into the match because you knew Sheamus was the next top babyface for Vince to drool over. Bryan was a great talent, and at the time he was working his heel gimmick to a T- and I didn't have a massive concern over him losing the belt as long as they kept him looking strong. What I think nobody expected was what actually happened, when they opened the show you knew the babyface was going to win- but winning with 1 Move in under a minute in a World Heavyweight Title match was a travesty; although in the long-run it did benefit Bryan and hurt Sheamus- short-term it looked like they were trying to hold Bryan down.

9. Undertaker wins by DQ
The "21" guys part of the Streak was one thing, when in reality it was about 15 or 16 guys; but the Mania match the WWE wanted you to forget- and we do to in all honesty was Undertaker winning by DQ in one of his streak matches, Taker v Giant Gonzalez was a forgettable match but Gonzalez chloroforming Taker for the finish was stupid- granted they presumably weren't thinking about a 20 Year Streak at the time, the DQ will always be the black mark in Taker's 21 Wins.

8. Brock Lesnar v Goldberg
People knew way in advance that this was Goldberg's last match, but when people got wind of Brock leaving for greener pastures it translated into one of the most hostile atmospheres we'd ever seen. Even the addition of Stone Cold couldn't save the match from being a complete trainwreck- which was a shame because the match was actually built well- and was a match in a different set of circumstances could have torn the house down. The most satisfying moment was Stone Cole stunning both of them to save face.

7. Brock Lesnar's Shooting Star Press
I Realise this is somewhat of a contradiction, having it on my best ever Mania list- and then on the anti-climax list. However the botched Shooting Star Press would have been a moment to go down in Wrestlemania history- which it still did, but for the wrong reasons. The SSP as the finale would have been iconic- the F5 less so. Brock carrying on made it to my Top 10 Mania Moments, but the finish itself was a huge anti-climax in comparison to what it could have been.

6. Hogan beats Yokozuna
This was one of the greatest examples of politicking in Wrestling. In case you don't remember, Hogan managed to convince Vince that a babyface should be ending Wrestlemania standing tall- as such after Yokozuna beat Bret Hart at Wrestlemania 9, Hogan came out for some unknown reason Yokozuna & Mr Fuji agreed to a match, before Hogan quickly dispatched Yokozuna in roughly 20 Seconds. What a Way to end a Wrestlemania, Right?

5. Bret Hart v Vince McMahon
There's another match coming up on this list that was going to fail from the off- but this is the lesser of two evils in that respect. Bret's injury history was well documented- and because he'd won disability benefits as far as I'm aware he wasn't allowed to bump legally. A match where one of the competitors isn't allowed to bump- you really couldn't make it up. This feud had a ready made build, and the story could have led to one of the most emotional matches ever- instead it was a glorified squash match with Vince taking moves from all of the Hart Family and eventually tapping out, which would have been fine- except it went over 10 minutes and left everyone cold.

4. Triple H v Randy Orton
This match was one of the biggest anti-climaxes in Wrestlemania history- I don't remember ever going back to watch it, but I'm sure if I did I'd think it was an alright match. However, the fact it had to follow arguably the best match ever in Undertaker and Shawn Michaels meant the Main Event for the night had a flat crowd- and we as fans watching couldn't really invest in the Main Event. Even HHH admitted on his DVD they couldn't follow Taker/Michaels, and I think that pretty much sums it up.

3. Bam Bam Bigelow v Lawrence Taylor
Bam Bam was one of, if not the best big man in Pro Wrestling history- his agility was that of a cruiserweight. That said at the time of Wrestlemania 11 Bam Bam shouldn't have been anywhere near the Main Event of a Wrestlemania. Wrestlemania 11 on the whole was a weak card in my opinion, and this was, depending on how you saw the Triple Arena Mania- the biggest Anti-Climax with regard to Main Events at Mania ever.

2. Mr T & Piper's Boxing Match 
It was Wrestlemania 2, and it was broadcast from 3 separate arenas- the main match at Nassau Coliseum was Mr T v Roddy Piper in a Boxing Match, the catch- it wasn't actually a boxing match. The brawl for all was a trainwreck, but they were at least hitting each other. T v Piper in roughly 15 minutes of a choreographed Boxing Match was just bad to watch. It wasn't helped that T didn't even connect with what was supposed to be the "decisive punch". Rocky it wasn't...

1. Jerry Lawler v Michael Cole
Remember saying about Bryan & Sheamus getting 45 Seconds when they should have gotten a full-length match. This was it was essentially bumped off the card for. Including the before & after this easily went 20 Minutes, and it was a complete abortion. They gave this match roughly 5 Months of build, and Cole had some nuclear heat on him when he started talking about Lawler's Dad and the like. But he had no business being in a wrestling ring- ever. What we saw was one of the most uncomfortable, and just downright bad matches of all time. The fact the match was decided via Laptop pretty much summed this match up, and makes it my most anti-climactic Mania moment of all time.

Thanks for reading, this is essentially Part 2 with the first part being the first blog I put up yesterday- so I'd highly recommend going over and reading my "Best Ever" Mania Moments if you haven't done so already. Anyway, we're now into the third Day of this Mania Week Blog Marathon- so feel free to go and look over any of the ones I've done so far and stay tuned for the ones going up later today and beyond.

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