Saturday, 28 March 2015

Booking The Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal

Hello! It's another Mania Blog, I can't believe I'm not dead yet. But anyway this is an interesting one- and to an extent is the second part of my coverage of the Battle Royal with my first part being my Blog Titled "The Unbookables Wrestlemania" where I booked a whole card from the guys involved in the Battle Royal or completely off the card, and I even slightly impressed myself with how I managed to fit all the pieces together from the afterthoughts of this Wrestlemania.

That said, after I booked the Royal Rumble Match in my Royal Rumble Predictions blog I thought I'd give it another crack today- so when it happens I can divert people to said blog to show how incompetent WWE Creative is, that a Brit who spends half his time rambling about Fulham, Wrestling or both on the Interwebs can book better than they can.

The List with which I'm going to be booking this Battle Royal is;
Konnor, Viktor, Kane, Big Show, Darren Young, Titus O'Neil, Jack Swagger, The Miz, Ryback, Curtis Axel, Fandango, Adam Rose, Zack Ryder, Erick Rowan, Sin Cara, Mizdow, Goldust, Mark Henry, Heath Slater, Hideo Itami.

This is a nice round 20 Strong Battle Royal, and now it's been bumped to the Pre-Show inexplicably I can't see someone who WWE clearly sees value in, in Sheamus making his grand return which has been hyped with vignettes etc. on the Pre-Show. As such I'm sticking with the announced guys for the sake of this battle royal- and as with my "Unbookables Wrestlemania" Blog I'll try my best to make something exciting from the castaways.

The difference between this one and the blog where I booked the Royal Rumble match is that everyone is starting in the ring which does limit what you can do to an extent because although people will have flurries throughout there isn't going to be the thing where the new Rumble entrant comes in to a reaction and kills everyone. I'm also going to point out this is what I think will actually happen tomorrow, I'm covering a potential AxelMania spot in my "Steal the Show" Spots Blog that'll be up a bit later; so here we go....

The Bell will ring and everyone as they seemingly do in this type of match will gang up on the biggest threat (perceived) and in this case it's Big Show and Kane. There'll be that spot they always do with Giants of everyone being pushed off of the two giants to briefly incapacitate them- except 1 Man didn't get in the ruckus, That man is Curtis Axel. He'll got Face to... Chest with Big Show, Big Show will hit him- he'll "Axel Up" do the "YOOOOOUUUUUU" thing (by the way if it happens I'll be the happiest bloke on the planet for at least a week) before trying to get Show up for a Bodyslam and of course he'll fail because that's pretty much his whole gimmick be knocked out and then swiftly dispatched as the first elimination (Big Show Eliminates Curtis Axel). Once again that isn't what I'd book, but it's what'll happen in my opinion.

Now we've gotten pretty much the best bit of the match out of the way, we'll head into the usual Battle Royal of a load of meaningless eliminations- we won't even really see it happen but I reckon because of their Twitter Feud which I also addressed in my "Unbookables Wrestlemania" blog I'd have Adam Rose eliminate Zack Ryder because Screw Zack Ryder for getting over on his own right guys? (Adam Rose Eliminates Zack Ryder). The The Ascension will get put paid to by the Primetime Players because screw those NXT lads, right guys? (Titus/Darren Eliminates Konnor, Titus/Darren Eliminates Viktor). Speaking of NXT Guys I think it surprised a few people that Hideo Itami was the one picked to win the NXT Tournament, but not me because he is the one who needs the most polishing out of the four they selected for said Tournament; which pretty much guaranteed his win in my book because he can have his moment and then go back down to NXT. That said I do think Hideo will have as strong showing, which'll start him eliminating someone meaningless so (Hideo Itami Eliminates Heath Slater).

That's the first 5 Eliminations out of the way and the ring is starting to look a bit clearer, that said there's still a lot of rabble around which needs to be dealt with- insert The Ryback. He'll start with Fandango (Ryback Eliminates Fandango) before moving on to Adam Rose (Ryback Eliminates Adam Rose). I have no clue if Mark Henry us a babyface or a heel after his bizarre exchanges with Reigns, so I'm gonna go for a heel for the purpose of this blog and have Ryback pick him up and comfortable dispatch of him following a "Meathook". (Ryback Eliminates Mark Henry). Then we'll get Hideo's second elimination of the night, and it'll be somewhat of a symbolic one; but also a good one for the night with the "Old" Kane being eliminated by the "New" Itami via a buzzsaw kick knocking Kane off balance with Itami then capitalising and getting him over the top (Hideo Itami Eliminates Kane), but Kane's good ol' friend the Big Show will be hot on his heels and dispatch of Itami before he is chokeslammed onto the floor by Kane (Big Show Eliminates Hideo Itami).

This Brings us down to the Halfway Stage of the Battle Royal, with the guys remaining being; Big Show, Ryback, Goldust, Miz, Mizdow, Darren Young, Titus O'Neil, Erick Rowan, Sin Cara and Jack Swagger. The way I see it we need to get rid of the expendable one's in these next 5 Eliminations, and it pains me to say it but Goldust is probably the most expendable out of all of the guys left when he should be one of the main matches of the Midcard if it were up to me; and going for standard heel/babyface tropes it'll be Big Show who eliminates him (Big Show Eliminates Goldust). The next two to go will be the Primetime Players who after this elimination will try and double team Show before quickly being dispatched with that running double palm pushing thing Show does (Big Show Eliminates Titus O'Neil, Big Show Eliminates Darren Young). The next to go will be Sin Cara- and once again he'll be eliminated by Big Show (Big Show Eliminates Sin Cara). We have 6 Guys left now- and that'll soon become 5, that is the nature of a Battle Royal after all, I'd have Ryback and Rowan start to team up on Big Show because after all they're brothers in firing right? WRONG, Big will push Ryback away first- and then Rowan into Ryback who'll get angry and start unloading on Rowan before swiftly eliminating him, this can be taken as it is or set up an angle the other side of Wrestlemania it gives them options. (Ryback Eliminates Erick Rowan).

We're down to the Final Five; Big Show, Ryback, Miz, Mizdow and Jack Swagger. Three of these guys I haven't mentioned at all but for different reasons, Swagger because in the Battle Royal scenario he will just be the guy in the corner either throwing or receiving punches up to this point. Miz and Mizdow because Miz being the cowardly heel he is will be hiding in the corner and will have ordered Mizdow to stay in front of him as a Human Shield. However now we're down to such small numbers they'll be noticed.

The Final Five will start off with Ryback gunning it for Miz in the corner therefore taking out Mizdow in the process- and this'll really open it all up. Miz being the lucky guy he is (He has Maryse for god sake) will be saved by Big Show going for Ryback which'll allow Miz to retreat to his corner and he'll literally drag Mizdow in front of him. There'll be a brief back and forth between Show and Ryback before we get the inevitable elimination of Swagger, but not before we get a "WE THE PEOPLE" moment when he sets up for a Swagger Bomb on Big Show- who'll catch him when he does said Swagger Bomb and dump him over the top rope. (Big Show Eliminates Jack Swagger). Now we're into the real business end of the Battle Royal, and I can see the end being really chaotic. It'll start with a "Wrestlemania Moment" provided you didn't watch RAW a couple of Autumns ago- Ryback Shellshocking Big Show was something I thought should be saved for a Wrestlemania instead of a random RAW but this'll rectify it to an extent. Ryback will Shellshocked Big Show and then eliminate him (Ryback Eliminates Big Show). But naturally that'll have taken a lot out of Ryback and when he turns around he'll see a Wild Miz using "Eliminate"- It's Super Effective! (Miz Eliminates Ryback), at this stage Miz'll go mental, and he'll be celebrating his elimination like he's won the Wrestlemania Main Event (too soon?).

--- At this stage they can go one of two ways, either a back and forth or an elimination; I'm going to go this way just because it leaves it more open because we wouldn't have seen Miz & Mizdow properly fight going into Extreme Rules (?)---

Once Miz turns around he isn't long for this world and Mizdow will run at Miz with all of the mistreatment flashing before his eyes- along with all the stuff Miz did to him and Eliminate The Miz (Mizdow Eliminates Miz).

Winner: Mizdow

Thanks for reading as always, I hope you enjoyed the blog- as I said it isn't necessarily what I'd book, but I thought I'd stick to the "Likely to Happen" booking style I did with my Rumble Match; and this is genuinely what I think will happen as opposed to what I hope will happen, one specific moment in particular which'll you'll be able to see in the blog up after this one. So Stay Tuned for that- and thanks again for reading.

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