In Short No, I got you click with a sensationalist Title and now I almost completely disagree with the statement *Evil Laugh*. But there are some who have been saying this will be the worst Wrestlemania Main Event in History- and I've gotta do 31 of these so I might as well cover it as it is an interesting topic to discuss.
This match won't be a technically sound match- it won't be Flair/Steamboat- but you don't need a technically sound match to have a match that would be described as a classic, look at Rock/Hogan as the prime example- and I'm not saying this match will go down as an instant classic, but as I've said a few times this week you have to approach these things with an open-mind because if you go into a match with a specific mindset chances are you'll see the match through a filter and see what you want to see.
Firstly, the build for this match has all-in-all been pretty good in my opinion. If you take out the fact that Bryan would by most people's estimation be in the Main Event at least with Roman if not instead of the actual build solely between Brock/Heyman and Roman has been pretty good. There is no such thing as the perfect build to match in my opinion, I'm sure for those of you who regularly read these Wrestling Blogs you'll know I bounce around ideas a lot- and some of them would be good and there's others I look back on and cringe (I'm just joking, none of my ideas are bad) and as such you can always pick a hole in a build for a match- even when Paul Heyman is involved. That said some of Heyman's Promos have been beyond top draw and I said it directly after the Rumble that if anyone could turn this situation on its head and get fans behind the match it would be Heyman- and to an extent I was right.
Then when you factor in Brock simply being there is a special occasion- which I do have an issue with on occasion, but I do understand that (albeit contractually) they've kept Brock off of TV- and to an extent that adds to the mystique surrounding him, and does make a Title Defence a Special Occasion; and I would change the PPV schedule to 6-8 a Year to make Title Defences mean more when a Full-Timer has the belt (especially now the Network has made PPV obsolete) but this is to an extent the guinea pig for the less Title-Defences structure because Brock has unless I'm mistaken 2 Title Defences since August. That creates a big fight feel when he does defend the belt- whether some fans want to admit it or not.
I covered this in a lot more detail in my "Who Should be Main Eventing" blog- but I do understand where WWE want to go with Roman Reigns, whether or not I agree with the decision to pull the trigger on him this early- especially when you consider he's been a Main Roster Singles Star less than a year; but I do understand it- and at the end of the day its only WWE who'll reap the benefits or take the heat come Monday.
People have the tendency to get hung up on the decisions WWE make and try and make it all about them sometimes- I'm even guilt of it on occasion; see my rant after the Royal Rumble but the thing about this Mania which isn't exactly a ringing endorsement is it can be used as the stepping stone for future Wrestlemania's and people may end up looking back at Wrestlemania 31 as the start of something- and the start of the Reigniacs taking Over.
The thing a lot of people always seem to forget in my opinion is that the Main Event of Wrestlemania is hardly ever the best match on the card, we will get a lot of excitement in the IC Title Ladder Match- we'll get some great storytelling and psychology from Wyatt/Taker- if they click like they showed signs of doing by the end of their Fast Lane match we'll even get a potential show-stealer from Cena and Rusev. While the Main Event is where everyone aspires to be, it is hardly ever what people end up talking about in terms of match quality- and while that isn't exactly a ringing endorsement for this Main Event it's why I'm open-minded about this Main Event.
As I've already said, this won't be a great wrestling masterclass- but Brock is a freak athlete and in my opinion he'll get a better match out of him than Bryan did just because all Roman will have to do for a large part of the match is sell. I've had this idea for a while and I discussed it in a lot more detail in my Predictions but I'm expecting to see something special from Brock tonight- and while he's in entirely different shape than he was 12 Years ago, perhaps we might see Brock give us a Shooting Star Press that'll actually hit its mark this time.
Thank for reading as always in case you were unaware I've been doing 31 Blogs this Mania Week- so feel free to look back over all of the blogs I've done between Tuesday & Today and you never know a few may even take your fancy. Thanks again- we're edging closer to Mania now, you can almost feel the Keyboard Warriors preparing their Caps Lock buttons. Thanks again, and thanks for all of your support thus far during Mania Week, we're within touching distance of that 31st Blog now and then I can go and crawl under a rock- its currently booked by a bloke named Bill, but hopefully he'll be gone soon.
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