Tuesday, 24 March 2015

The Worst Built Wrestlemania Ever?

Hello! Its another Mania Blog- its almost as though I over-stretched and committed to doing 31 of the bastards in a week. This one is one of the more straightforward ones and one I've seen being banded around quite a bit- so naturally when you've got to stretch to 31 Blogs I'll cover it as well.

This Wrestlemania has potentially had the worst build of any in history for a number of reasons that I'll outline in this- that is the point of this right? I'm definitely not just trying to get the Word Count Up- Why would you think that? So with the firmly cleared up- here's my guide on how to make Toast.

1. Buy a Toaster, Preferably one that works
2. Buy Bread, I'd buy White- because Wholemeal tastes like Crap, but if you're health conscious then why are you have Carbs anyway?!
3. Turn on Toaster On
4. Place Said Bread in Toaster
5. Push the Toast Lever thingy down until it clicks
6. Wait for Approximately 2 Minutes
7. Ponder the Meaning of Life for Said 2 Minute Window
8. Hear Toaster "Ding"
9. Do the "This is Way too Hot" Face when you try and grab the Toast
10. Eventually you Pick up Said Toast
11. You forgot to Get a Plate Out- That was implied you lazy sod
12. Get Plate Out
13. Your Toast has gotten cold- Start Again. 

Life Lessons with Sam.

But Yeah, theres a lot of reasons you could make the case that this is the Worst Built Wrestlemania Card ever- and those reasons are;

The Royal Rumble
I have a slight issue with Reigns winning, not as much as some because as I've said a few times I do understand what WWE are doing- and it is a nice change of pace to have a Mania centered around a Young Guy who chances are will be with WWE for the next 10-15 Years. The major issue I had with the Rumble Match was just how poorly booked it was. They knew what the crowds reaction would have been when Bryan was eliminated, so they had him get eliminated Roughly in the Middle of the Match before everyone had even came out- and the crowd turned on the whole match. We had brief moments where the crowd came back around with Dolph, Ambrose etc. but they were dumped (literally) by Big Show and Kane- it was without a shadow of a doubt the most anti-climactic Rumble match ever, and did nothing for Roman because the crowd used him as their way to vent for the best part of 30 Minutes as a result of Bryan being eliminated when he was. I consider the Rumble to be the start of the "Road to Wrestlemania" and it was like they were starting at the Back of the Grid if you want to use an F1/Nascar for y'all Muricans analogy. Yes I realise there's an F1 Race in America now before I get angry tweets- once again definitely not upping the word count with these tangents.

Daniel Bryan
I don't think Bryan had a divine right to be in the Main Event this year as some do- and as I've said I do understand why they've gone for Brock/Roman- but Bryan is without a doubt the most consistently over babyface in the company- so when he failed against Reigns at Fast Lane it was all about what he'd do next- would he go after Ziggler, or would a Heel Sheamus come back to kill him- I even saw one rumour, I'm not sure if they were serious or not of it being Bryan, Orton and Rollins in a Triple Threat. But, Nope he just randomly decided to go after the IC Title- I don't think he's given a reason for it, He just woke up one day and was like "Hey Brie (because they sleep together ya know), I want the IC Title"- and for a guy like Bryan to be given that non-build for the match he's in is just poor work all around.

You can count the number of appearances Brock, Taker & Sting have made in the build to Wrestlemania on your hands. I'm not blaming those three for that- more power to them; I wish I could get paid by sitting at home and mindlessly talking about random stu-oh yeah I'm running AdSense aren't I. While it's alright for me- and I'm making an infinitesimal amount compared to what they make by the way for the build to the "biggest show of the year" it isn't on in my book. I do understand to an extent Brock and Taker- Brock because he has Heyman, and storyline wise it makes sense for Taker to be gone until Wrestlemania night- but again that is within the confines of the storyline and they should have gone an entirely different route with it in my opinion. The one that irks me is Sting- Triple H is not a great promo, He has done good promos without a doubt- but he has never done one thats made me go "Wow"- thats just me though, and I'd be happy to explain to people who disagree why they're wrong. Triple H is even less effective on the mic when he has nobody to bounce off- so of course Sting has hardly ever showed up, and they've instead gone for weird vignettes that aren't even voiced by Sting, Heath Slater bizarrely and pretty good video packages to maintain Sting's Presence on TV. I've genuinely forgotten that Sting even had a match this year on occasion- that's how great the build for it has been.

Thanks for reading as always, I swear I didn't have to pad this out, No Really I swear- Honestly, I swear. Thanks again, and stay tuned for the rest of my Mania Week Blogs- I don't care if you forget about me come Next Wednesday.

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