Thursday, 25 June 2015

Destination Impact Review: 24th June

Hello! It's another Impact Review- and the Episode last night was Live! So literally anything could happen and it'd all be a surprise, Oh. Them billing this episode as "Live" annoyed me- there's no "well it's as good as..." it's either live or it's not and it wasn't. I just have an issue with that, why go there in the first place and bill it as live when spoilers were all over Twitter and Jeff Jarrett was trending before the show even started which pretty much wrecked the "big surprise"- unless as I thought when I first saw him trending and thought he was dead and left it at that without clicking on it. Anyway, I've got a lot to say about this Episode so why waste any more time.

Angle & EC3 Open to the Show
This was good in a "Hype the Match" way- but not much else, this was pretty much exactly the same as last weeks open to the show, and that annoys me to an extent because both guys are capable of more.

Tigre Uno v Low Ki v Grado- X Division Title
I said it a few weeks ago that it'd be a mistake to put the Belt on Grado so at least where that's concerned they hit the mark. However it didn't do much else, I'm not sure why they felt the need to put the Elimination Stipulation in there for match with such a short time window and the match just felt quite disjointed and as such it didn't really get me invested into the match which really was a shame because they had some good workers in the match- and Grado.

Taryn Terrell Backstage Promo
I'm not sure if this was meant to be so awkward it ended up being funny with "The Dolls" describing how they were going to take out Brooke and Kong- but hey, Billy's gotta get those Royalties to his friend.

Velvet Sky v Angelina Love
For someone who was at the start of the match not under contract it sure was nice of them to give Velvet a brand new Entrance theme. This was, well it was Velvet v Angelina in pretty much the identical feud they've been involved in so many times before- they just get more plastic every time, and I'll repeat- nobody cares about Velvet Sky.

Dirty Heels v The Wolves- Full Metal Mayhem
They really went out there with that finish- I don't think anyone saw The Dirty Heels winning the match let alone winning the match by being Dirty Heels. Don't get me wrong, I really liked the match- but to me a truly great match has to get you emotionally invested into it, and with the outcome being so obvious it didn't make that connection for me and that stopped a good match being taken to the "next level". If anything that fact is more annoying to me than if they'd just completely flopped and turned it into a Botchamania Special because it's harder to critique something that really delivered from an in-ring perspective.

Jeff Jarrett & Karen make a "Shock" Return
This was the point of the show where it went one of two ways for everyone- it either became the best thing ever because of all the Nostalgia and you loved it, or you were like me and just thought it was all stupid and unnecessary. Yes, I was intrigued to see Jarrett back in TNA- but within 30 Seconds it was so obvious Jarrett was using TNA to plug GFW and nothing else. Don't believe me watch the Promo back and take a Shot every time Karen or Jeff said "Global Force Wrestling"- you won't be able to come back because you'll be in A&E needing a new liver. The whole Promo just felt really bizarre and way, way too long. At one point it was like they forgot where they were going and just dropped random names- which was quite hilarious because Sonjay Dutt got the biggest pop of all of them other than AJ Styles. Yes, it was interesting and definitely generated buzz with Jarrett coming back- but that buzz just won't generate long-term interest and giving the amount of time they did to these two especially given how long Karen had the Mic for it was unnecessary.

Vader v Bram
This has made me really angry. Vader is 60 Years Old- why on earth did they feel the need to protect him at the expense of Bram? I said it last week and I've been saying it for a while- if TNA is to have a future Bram is going to be one of the guys who is at the forefront of that future, this was just so ridiculously short-term thinking- and crucially it was a huge missed opportunity to put Bram over someone who has a reputation like Vader. In short this really annoyed me.

Matt Morgan on the other hand is someone who I am reasonably happy to see back because I thought he was doing some of his best work before he left a few years back. But still I just can't get over the fact they felt the need to protect Vader.

Eric Young v Chris Melendez
I don't know what I was expecting from this match to be honest. I know I was expecting something to have a lot more substance considering the way they'd hyped this as somewhat of a Blood Feud. I just don't see why they felt the need to cram this supposed blood feud match into a 5 Minute (if that) segment on an already packed card.

The BDC & The Rising Brawl
The last of the responses to Dixie's Mass Text was Shawn Hernandez- I want to get into this feud, I really do- but The Rising has already beaten the BDC so the addition of at best a Midcarder in Hernandez isn't a big powerplay sort of thing that suddenly legitimises the BDC again after the loss and just screams that they don't have a direction for either faction coming off the back of their feud.

Kurt Angle v Matt Hardy
This was a really weird one, considering Matt Hardy has absolutely no direction and Angle is going into a World Title match it almost seemed like this match was the wrong way around. Hardy was largely dominant and Angle scraped the win- and although that put over Angle's "Never Give Up" sort of thing because of the number of Side-Effect's he kicked out of, him scraping a win against someone like Matt Hardy is hardly the ideal scenario heading into a big title match.

The finish was interesting because they of course had EC3 tapping- and that was sure to get some last minute buys for Slammiv- Oh.

Thanks for reading as always, Like I said with the Jarrett thing- this episode can go one of two ways for everyone; there really isn't a middle ground which is good in a way because it provokes a reaction out of everyone and get's people talking whether it's good or bad. Anyway, the Slammiversary card is doing very little for me but chances are I'll watch it with it being free in England so stay tuned for the Review of that- and also look out for my Cesaro Booking Post tomorrow and if you haven't already I'd recommend reading Yesterday's Post about the Divas Division. Anyway, thanks again for reading and remember- next time you send a Mass Text remember to exclude the bottom of the barrel guys.

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