Hello! It's another Review- and it's being written on a Saturday Morning for a change. I'm writing this directly after the thing has finished for a change so without the benefit of sleeping on what's happened like I usually have my opinions may be a bit more- well opinionated than usual. Overall this card promised it to be a really fun show, so the only question that needs to be answered is- WHAT'S IN THE BOX?! Also- Did it Deliver?
Chris Jericho vs Neville
I actually loved this match- and considering I'd forgotten it was even on the card until this morning when I looked it up that's saying something. Jericho has infuriated me quite a lot since his last (on TV) run what with his defence of DeMott and general way he's come across, but that doesn't take away from what he's done in the ring and he delivered a master-class tonight. It was obvious he was going to be a Babyface coming out because- well he's Chris Jericho, but what he did was gradually swtich further and further into Heel Mode as the match went on and massively had Neville over as a Babyface by the end of the match.
That side of the match put to one side- it was also a damn good match, with two great workers like Jericho and Neville involved I don't think people expect much else- but for once and a theme across the night the commentary actually enhanced the match and overall the match was just really good. I would have liked Neville to go over, just because he's the one who's going to be on TV on Monday but I was mildly appeased by the fact Jericho won with the Liontamer and Cole actually called it a Liontamer. Can't have it all my own way.
Nikki Bella v Paige v Tamina- Divas Title
They were on a different continent and the match involving the Bella still sucked. I'm not necessarily blaming Nikki for that because Paige's spot calls were so loud it was stupid but the match was just bad. I know it's a House Show (and I'll talk about it more later) and they usually have the Title defended on House Show's but this just felt so out of place in the rest of the card.
Brock Lesnar v Kofi Kingston
I'm not saying I didn't enjoy this- because watching Brock kill people is never not fun. I wanted more from this match. The last time we saw Brock he was getting taken out by The Authority with the focus being on his Knee, I get that Brock is meant to be Superhuman (and it was a House Show) but I don't get why Brock wasn't selling the Knee at all- because surely that was the point of the Angle on RAW and for Rollins to have a weakness with which to target. Fine, take that part out of the equation; Brock within the storyline should be absolutely pissed- I was expecting Brock to come out and rip Kofi (and the rest of New Day) to shreds. It just felt like another Brock beat-down segment, and as I said I do like it but I wanted more.
The aftermath was fun with Xavier and Big E coming out- and they rightly put over just how easily Brock F5'd Big E and it was all fun. I just wanted it be longer and a lot more brutal than it was. Also I can't remember which German Suplex it was- but one of the German's looked absolutely brutal and with the way Kofi sold it, it literally looked like he died.
Finn Balor v Kevin Owens- NXT Title Match
I loved this- everything from Balor's Entrance to Owens just being awesome and ultra-heel and then the match itself and of course the Title Switch to cap it all off.
Let's start with the Pre-Match, Balor's Entrance was great- and the Paint was even more great than usual with the Japanese Characters on his back which apparently meant "Demon Prince" and the Devil on his back was just so cool and so great. The Streamers are something I've wanted to see in WWE for a while just because of the cool visuals when it comes to Streamers and it definitely added to the Pre-Match and feel for the match- although them cleaning it all up and then leaving it just at ringside rather than under the ring nearly tripped Balor. The Flowers spot was great- Owens sold the Flowers when they were given to him like he'd just been presented a John Cena Wristband and then is true John Cena fashion he just chucked the Flowers out of the ring which was hilarious and great.
The actual match itself was great- and they just told a great story throughout the match, but then again did we really expect anything else from these two? Whether it was Balor hitting Bloody Sunday or just everything in general being great I loved it. The only slight issue I had with this match was Triple H spoiling it on Twitter. I know this was obviously airing on a slight tape delay- but come on, surely he had more sense than to post it immediately after Balor won the Title (in Japan, Live).
The Aftermath was good- and I get the feeling it was Owens' NXT send-off, people can talk about his Rematch Clause or whatever but to that I'll point out Paige never lost her NXT Womens Title and still hasn't tried to recapture it. Actually I lied, I had another issue with this- they showed Itami at Ringside so they acknowledged he was there, so I expected Itami to come in and raise Balor and then of course have it as foreshadowing for when Itami comes back in December for a feud with a Heel Balor after it's already been revealed that Balor- or rather The Demon was the one who took out Itami. So they're either not going to do that angle or they had a massive misstep.
John Cena & Dolph Ziggler v Kane & King Barrett
We were one "K" off in the Kane and King team to have unfortunate initials. Let's get into this debate because I saw a lot of people bitching about this being the Main Event- I do understand where they were coming from with it but with no WWE Champion on the show there was no way on earth Cena wasn't going to Main Event a House Show, because at the end of the day that's all it was- it just happens that there was TV Cameras there for the Network this time.
The match itself was fine considering Cena was the only one with any kind of momentum headed into the match and like in every house show it ended with the Babyface standing tall to send the crowd home happy.
Overall the show was great, I don't know what it was about the Lighting for the show but it really enhanced the show and gave the show a more realistic feel to it. That combined with the fact Cole and Saxton who I was dreading being on Commentary together ended up being a highlight of the show and really enhanced it says a lot for the show and standard of it. Who'd have thought not having a 70 Year Old Lunatic Screaming in your Ear would improve performance?
Thanks for reading as ever, we'll be back for the RAW Review on Tuesday but in the mean time have a good weekend and I think if we all Clap in Unison we can bring Kofi back to life with the Power of Positivity. CLAP WITH ME GUYS, NEW... DAY ROCKS, NEW... DAY ROCKS, NEW... DAY ROCKS.
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