Tuesday, 2 December 2014

RAW Review- 1st December

Hello! After RAW last night I woke up & feel completely awful, possibly because of the Ice Cream, but more likely I'm experiencing withdrawal symptoms after I took a fresh hit at Survivor Series. A good sign for this review is when I thought back to last night I genuinely couldn't remember a single thing that happened last night, so I've had a refresher course by looking over the review for it and here we go!

John Cena, Seth Rollins Promo/Mega Brawl 2014
I'm happy they're still giving Dolph the credit for the win at Survivor Series, you can't underestimate the rub he's getting by simply being talked about during the opening segment. The Cena promo was completely bland in my opinion, and the Rollins promo wasn't much better. So thankfully this wasn't the whole segment.

I'm not sure if the printer got jammed so they just had to use last weeks script, but did anybody tell creative that Survivor Series was just over a week ago? This was an almost perfect build for the Survivor Series match to be fair to them, but as I said its a tiny bit late. The use of the "whatever weapon stipulation" was a bit too contrived for my liking, I'd have preferred an all out brawl with Big Show tipping the scales in the Authoritys favour to have the same outcome.

Tag Team Turmoil
I don't see any reason why The Usos won this. If they wanted a babyface team, why not have "New Day" win the match and then have The Dusts cost them the Tag Title match next week on RAW to set up the PPV match, not only would that provide us with a fresh match- but could also fill 15minutes on next weeks RAW. But instead we've gotten the Usos as #1 Contender again, and nothing against them- but they've been in and around the Tag Title scene since before Mania. I also don't know why they put together Cesaro & Kidd when there are perfectly good teams ready to go such as Slater Gator & Los Matadores, and it basically screams of "Hey, We Know these guys are good- but we have no idea what to do with them."

Naomi, Miz, Mizdow Segment
The tell-tale signs that Total Divas is coming back, Retreat to your bunkers.

Erick Rowan v Big Show
The interview beforehand where Rowan was apparently a Winemaker with a 143 IQ was just bizarre, I'm guessing his new gimmick will be "Rain Man" esque, but it was just weird in my opinion- I'm interested to see where they're going to go with it, but I'm not sold as of yet. The match was what you would expect with two giants, the DQ finish protected both to an extent- but if Rowan is supposedly so smart I think they should have him "use the ring" as a weapon.

Vince McMahon Interview
It was an Interview, about an Interview. Interview-ception.

Fandango v Jack Swagger
Ok, Zeb was attacked- moving on. ROSA BOTCHED DANCING.

Rusev & Lana Promo/Swagger attack
So Rusev refused to sell out his country, and political beliefs- was punished for that by being put in a 20 Man Battle Royal, and overcame the odds. BOOOOOOO. At least we're getting an original Swagger v Rusev feud.

Mizdow v Whatever Matador it was
If they're really behind Mizdow as it would appear, they shouldn't have booked him in this match. At this stage the crowd doesn't want to see Mizdow wrestle a whole match, they would rather see him be teased coming into a match for 75% of it, or simply selling to Little Jimmy on the outside. That is what'll get his gimmick over rather than "just" wrestling a match. Although I'd be interested to see how many Singles Matches Mizdow/Sandow has won in the last year.

The Uso attack was a casual reminder we're going to get awful Total Diva angles, In your bunker yet?

R Truth v Bray Wyatt
This was a really awkward match in my opinion, it wasn't short enough to be a complete squash- but it wasn't long enough to be a "good" match.

Bray Wyatt Promo/Ambrose Brawl
We came back from an ad break, but I would hope they had enough sense to not have cut some of a Wyatt Promo. The promo was good, it wasn't outstanding- but it wasn't as layered as some of Wyatts promos can be, although the "Jacobs Ladder" bit did make me smile. I'm not sure why the demonic Bray Wyatt would care about a chair, but ho hum. The brawl was one sided enough to make Ambrose look strong without completely destroying Bray and making him look weak.

The Bellas v A.J. and Naomi
I honestly had no idea who'd win the vote for this match, because all three of the Divas in the vote we equally irrelevant. I don't see why they're having random Total Divas inserted into these matches when they could bring an NXTer up and have her look strong by siding against the Divas Champion. The match itself was the definition of "Meh" although I have to admit I was surprised by the fact A.J. won given what a Walking Dead enthusiast said the previous week. Also, on that subject- A.J.'s Divas Title record is pretty much gone now. I hope Punk's happy, he's doomed us to nearly a year of Nikki as Champion.

Paul Heyman Promo
This Paul Heyman guy is pretty good on the mic, kids got a good future ahead of him.

John Cena, Ryback & Dolph Ziggler v Seth Rollins, Kane and Luke Harper
This was practically an Iron Man Match, not for them- for me. This match dragged so long in my opinion, although it could be due to the fact I had half of my brain on my pillow by this point. If I listed everything wrong with this match I'd have done an entirely new blog, but some of the more notable screw ups were cutting to an Ad Break mid-suplex, having two ad breaks for one match when it isn't a significant match and many, many more. I'm not sure what else to say about the match because I've forgotten everything else that happened in it, Oh Yeah Dolph won which was good.

Mega Brawl 2014 (2)
I like the fact they had Rowan get the final move in, its good they're highlighting different superstars as it stands with Dolph winning the match, Rowan getting the final move in. This'll help build different stars, and if they carry on this way they'll be reaping the benefits come this time next year when there are numerous stars all ready for the Main Event.

Thanks for reading, I made a point to not use Rowans new nickname because I despise it. As always any feedback is appreciated, with The Slammys next week I'm going to be bringing my more prestigious awards- The Sammys out some time this week, so stay tuned for that. Thanks again.

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