Hey! We're back with another RAW Review, and unless I'm mistaken the last live RAW of the year- and with the godawful festive RAW we're due next week I was hoping we'd get a fair decent edition last night.
Jericho, Heyman, Rollins, Cena Promo
20 Minute Promo Segments for the win! Thats not to say I don't mind the people involved in Promo segments, however this really dragged in my opinion. The opening Jericho promo was decent, the problem with Jericho (and all the other Guest GMs) is that they don't have anything to sink their teeth into promo wise, so Jericho was reduced to his usual catchphrases until Heyman could come out. I really liked the Heyman promo, mind you theres seldom a Heyman Promo that I don't like. The Rollins promo was probably the best out of the four because it had a clear purpose. The Cena Promo was, well a Cena promo so it was hit and miss, but it did the job of setting up the two Main Events so I suppose it was alright.
Luke Harper & Big Show v Dolph Ziggler & Erick Rowan
On the one hand, we had Harper and Ziggler in the match- which by all logic would deliver. However on the other, there is no way Dolph and Harper were anywhere near 100%- and Big Show and Rowan are, well Big Show and Rowan. It was a really strange match, Dolph was doing most of the selling as per usual, but I don't know if it was because everyone was banged up after the PPV the night before- but everyone was a step off, but as I said that was understandable. It seems as though any hope Rowan would've had of a good push is now firmly dead after he was pinned clean two nights in a row.
The Bellas v Alicia Fox & Natalya
This match was another obvious indication that Total Divas was coming back... In the Bunker yet?
The Highlight Reel
Including the backstage segment with Fandango, this was the third Jericho segment in under an hour. Its weird to think the number of people Lanas had promo exchanges with given she (and Rusev) have been on the Main Roster less than a year. Ryback v Rusev is a really interesting feud from my perspective, the matches won't necessarily deliver but Rusev has been made to look unstoppable since he debuted- and Ryback since he returned as a babyface has been made to look like a wrecking ball as well. So, this'll show us how much stock they've truly put in Rusev- and his undefeated streak.
New Day v The Dusts
This match was just really uncomfortable to watch- and not in a good way. The crowd disinterest didn't help the match, but given the guys involved the match could- and should have been so much better than it was.
Kane v Adam Rose
Let me take you back to Extreme Rules, Kane was in a 25 Minute Main Event for the WWEWHC. Now he's tombstoning a Bunny.
Paul Heyman v Chris Jericho
I called Brock coming out in the first segment, so I wasn't exactly surprised when it did happen. Assuming Jericho is going to be in and around during Mania season I can see him facing Brock at Fast Track just for a filler Title match before Brock drops the belt at Mania- most likely to Reigns. The fact Brock didn't completely kill Jericho gives credence to that theory, because if they wanted to write him off the beating would've been a lot worse.
Fandango, Roman Reigns, Big Show Segment
So, does Fandango get to keep the Slammy? I'm not sure why Roman wanted to take out Fandango, especially in his Hardy Boyz T-Shirt, but he did. It seems as though they're maneuvering to Reigns v Show at the Rumble- so that'll be fun.
The Miz v Jimmy Uso
This match needed more Mizdow in my opinion, Miz needs fresh opponents to keep Mizdow fresh as well, so hopefully this feud doesn't get dragged out for more longer- or if it does they run with my idea of a Stunt Naomi. I'm not sure what good Jimmy going over did in the grand scheme of things, with the backstage promo between Miz & Naomi that followed it seems as though they're going to keep this feud going despite the fact that Jimmy has already gone over.
Seth Rollins v John Cena
I really liked this match. Yes, Cena had the match won a Million Times before shenanigans intervened- but that isn't a surprise to anyone by this point. I thought these two told a really good story given the really limited build for the match, and the way the match was built throughout the night. Again, I called the Lesnar run (walk)-in before it happened; what I didn't see coming was what happened next. I don't know if this means we're going to get Rollins as a Heyman Guy, which I'd be very much in favour of with the Money in the Bank permutations- and you'd presume a Rollins babyface turn, or a Rollins cash-in on Reigns sometime after Mania; and if it were entirely up to me I'd eventually have Reigns align with Heyman so he could deal with the Promo side of Reigns' character.
Thanks for reading, as always any feedback is appreciated. Its been a jam packed week of wrasslin- and now that its finally over I'm going to sleep until Friday when I'll be doing my Fulham v Sheffield Wednesday Preview. Thanks again, just remember this RAW was further proof that the genius of Sam is every day.
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