Tuesday, 28 April 2015

RAW Review: 27th April

Hello! It's another RAW Review- it feels weird having two RAW Reviews in two days right? Anyway after the RAW on Sunday we had the one last night- and they had a lot of work to do in a lot of different areas- because there was a lot of open ends after Sunday that needed clarifying. Anyway, I didn't really have high hopes for this RAW- and the hastily thrown together King of the Ring stuff did little to enthuse me, but perhaps unlike some people I'm always open-minded to the stuff that is presented- because frankly if you aren't you won't like anything they throw at us. Anyway, LETS.... GET.... REVIEWING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Seth Rollins & Co., Randy Orton, Roman Reigns Promo
This was alright for what it was, the explanation for Seth's SKO was pretty funny- although I still maintain it was a Diamond Cutter. I do think they should have teased a bit more tension between Orton and Reigns right off the bat- as opposed to the height of tension being "with respect I deserve the Title shot". Kane does play his role well- it's just a bad role for him, and he's capable of a lot more than what he's currently stuck in; although they are teasing him being used in a different way quite soon which I'm all for.

Bad News Barrett v Dolph Ziggler- KOTR
There are some guys who will always put on at the very least a passable match- and that's why they presumably keep pairing a handful of guys together. There really isn't much you can say about this match before it reached it's last chapter- there's only so many different ways you can do the same moves, and because of the way WWE limits movesets we've pretty much seen all of them in the case of the two guys involved. The finish with Sheamus distracting him was pretty much to be expected after last night, although Barrett winning did surprise me just because the way the brackets were set up I presumed it would be a Sheamus v Barrett final.

Big E v Tyson Kidd
This was too short to be anything of note, Xavier as the main heater of the group with all of his heel tactics is a good way to approach it because Big E is the power, Kofi is the athletic one- and before they turned Xavier was just kind of there. The more I think about New Day the more I get into them- because the Tag Division has lacked a proper heater of a Tag Team for quite a while now.

Ryback v Bo Dallas
I thought Bo had him for a second. The Bray attack was a good way to go- but I still maintain it's stupid they've given roughly a months worth of cryptic promos to this feud, because it's a Midcard feud that'll get 10 Minutes at most at Payback- I don't mind them putting effort into Midcard feuds, but there's putting effort into them, and then there's just frankly wasting time; and for Bray in particular it's just another Midcard feud before he'll get fed to the one of the "big guys" (Pun Intended).

John Cena's Open Challenge
Two weeks in a row Slater has been denied the chance of getting his hands on the US Title- Rusev knew Slater would win and once Slater wins a match he'll go on a run that'll never stop. The Promos were what they were- but can I just point out Cena decided that after the Rusev stuff went down that the Locker Room was clearly empty with nobody else wanting a chance at the Belt; He's not a Fighting Champion, He's a very Naughty Boy.

R-Truth v Stardust- KOTR
This was a bit "meh"- both guys have properly cooled off since the Mania build which is a shame because Stardust in particular is capable of a lot more- and has a built in story once they do resume interest in him. The match itself was a bit "meh"- and was just filler, which was a shame because the King of the Ring stuff should have been featured more prominently.

Adam Rose v Fandango
Yup, My Leo Kruger idea is still better than anything they've given Rose (#HireSam). Rosa ended up with a mic, so that instantly makes this segment one of the worst of the year so far- and it worries me because Rosa being featured means she may not necessarily be in the Spring Cleaning.

Brie Bella Interview
How do you make the Bellas babyfaces after randomly turning them- Use Daniel Bryan.

Naomi v Brie Bella

Sheamus v Dean Ambrose- KOTR
I did like this match, I'm almost becoming a broken record with regard to Sheamus so I won't go there again- the finish annoyed me though. While Dolph isn't always the best booked person in the world his character has already had a degree of "streetwise" about him- so him attacking Sheamus and gifting him a win after Sheamus cost him his chance at King of the Ring was poorly thought out from my point of view- and unless they're building to a Triple Threat involving Ambrose at Payback which I doubt it was poorly thought out with no pay off.

Damien Sandow's Reintroduction
I like Sandow, I like Axel- but this was just too childish and didn't do either of them any favours. Judging from this and the thing they did with Renee on YouTube it seems as though his new gimmick is something 6 year olds do in order to get a reaction from someone. I'll give it 2 weeks before Sandow's off TV with this gimmick. This segment did have one good thing though- it reminded me of my genius Hartdow call.

Bray Wyatt Promo
If you read these regularly you know without me having to tell you I like Bray and his Promo style- but as I've already said it just seems like a waste doing all of this for Ryback.

Neville v Luke Harper
In another world this is a PPV Main Event, two of the best athletes currently on the roster going at each other- and crucially giving us a Fresh Pairing (for the Main Roster) provided us with a great back and forth match. It was pretty clear Neville was going to win- and the way they've set up the brackets Neville could well be in the Final if they get their heads on straight when thinking about how to handle Dolph and his chase of Sheamus.

Roman Reigns & Randy Orton v Seth Rollins & Kane
Literally nobody would have seen that finish coming. As with a few matches tonight- the pairing is anything but fresh and especially in Roman's case he does the same moves- just occasionally in a different order, so when he's facing pretty much the same combination of people every week it gets old really quick. They could have saved a lot of time with the whole vote thing if they'd seen the adverts for Payback that had already gone out- and I'm hoping the fact that Roman looked good this week will mean he'll be destroyed one of these next two weeks by Rollins- because Rollins needs to look properly dangerous against someone more "powerful" than he is.

Thanks for reading as always, as I've already said- the 2 RAWs in 2 Consecutive days experiment was a weird one; but on balance in wasn't completely atrocious. However any goodwill WWE had built up after Mania has well and truly dissipated- and WWE has a long way to go to even get back to a passable level across the whole 3 hours. Anyway, thanks again for reading- if you come here for my Wrestling Posts you're in luck- there's one more Impact before the Impact reviews'll start up again because the Football Season, or at least from a Fulham perspective is over. I'll remind you again next week, but stay tuned for those- and I'll also be bringing out a few more booking posts over the Summer months- so if you enjoy those this is pretty much your best day ever. Thanks again for reading, and remember- #NoMoreSpiders.

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