Thursday, 8 January 2015

TNA Impact Review: 7th January

Hello! Its a New Year, and a New Network for TNA- combined with a new commentary dynamic with the addition of Josh Matthews in place of Mike Tenay it was definitely a "new beginning" mentality, but did the show follow through?

It was said over 5000 Years ago, Deep in the Himalayan Mountains there was a small tribe. This small tribe were completely cut off from the rest of the world. It was here, deep in the Himalayas that this tribe invented "Ress Ling". It has since had many names, and tried to be destroyed by many, many people. In modern civilisation, there has been one- villainous man in particular who has tried to destroy the art of "Ress Ling", however- thankfully it would appear "Ress Ling" has found a new home on TV. And with Lucha Underground, TNA and potentially GFW all finding homes on US TV this could very well be the year "Ress Ling" makes a strong return whether the evil WWE moves with it, or not.

Now story time with Sam is over, LETS GET REVIEWING!

Mega Brawl/MVP, Kurt Angle Promo
The opening brawl was definitely a different opening compared to what we're used to, it was chaotic (in a good way) and really set the tone for what was to follow. I liked the really random pairings (within the confines of babyfaces and heels) as that reinforced the chaotic nature of it. The Angle promo was good, and the matches he made were a good way to set the tone for the show. The MVP promo was annoying- not because of MVP, but they surely could have muted the crowd- without also muting MVPs mic which made the promo not really flow (understandably).

Kurt Angle v MVP- Street Fight
I thought this was a really good way to open the show, although the commentators didn't really touch on it. With the exception of just a handful (if that) Kurt Angle is the longest serving TNA guy- and he was facing off against (with the exception of a handful) one of the newest talents on the TNA roster so I thought it was a good way to open the show on a new network. The match itself was pretty good, obviously Angle isn't as good as he used to be- and although I haven't been following his career very attentively I can't imagine he's done many, if any Indy shows which would mean ring rust was still firmly in place for him. Either way, opening the show on a new network with a babyface win was always going to be the case- and the fact they were wrestling in street clothes was a fresh occurence and really added to the match.

Mike Tenay w/ James Storm
I don't know if this is going to be a regular segment, similar almost to the Michael Cole interviews on YouTube- but on TV, but as long as it keeps Tenay as far away from the commentary table as possible I'm happy. I really liked the Taz-Matthews dynamic, or at least I did tonight, they seemed really motivated tonight- and they were actually calling what was happening in the ring and the Taz commentary was actually- well good, shocking right? The Storm promo was good, although his claim that they're not after titles- just blood doesn't really tally with the fact Sanada has been after the X Division Title on numerous occasions, and they cashed in their Feast or Fired- but oh well its a small thing in the long run.

The Revolution v The Wolves- Tag Title Match
Again, this match was good enough. For some reason I found those weird slashes on the Wolves oddly distracting. Given the time constraints, and the story they wanted told with regard to the Hardys etc. I thought this was a decent enough match. I like the Hardys inadvertently doing in The Wolves, because it can lead to either the Hardys or the Wolves turning on the other- and great matches that the two will clearly put on together.

EC3, Spud, Borash Promo/Shaving
I've missed EC3 so, so much. I like JB "taking one for the team" on the first edition, as he's been one of the constants. This is obviously my first Impact Blog since all of the contract renewals, and I think EC3 could very well be the best bit of business TNA has done in god knows how long. With the exception of Bram and Magnus, EC3 is the only guy I can see TNA feasibly building their future on. EC3 played his heel role to perfection here- although thats like saying the sky is blue (granted it rarely is in the UK). Spud came off as a good babyface here, although it is fairly obvious where they're going with regard to Spud giving EC3 his first loss- the journey should be a good one given who's involved.

Austin Aries v Low Ki- X Division Title Match
This was a proper wrestling match. Given who's involved it almost feels like a disservice to praise the fact this was a good wrestling match, because it would be more noteworthy if it wasn't. What we got given the time constraints was a good back-and-forth match with a good finish, and teed up what would happen later on perfectly and allows both guys to move on.

Knockouts Battle Royal
This match was a bit of a cluster until it got down to the final three. There are always so many moving parts in a traditional battle royals its hard to keep up, combine that with the fact there were a few missed camera cues tonight made it difficult to follow. I like the fact they kept Havok off the mat until the double dropkick spot in the Final Three as that enabled her to stay looking like a monster for what happened next... KONG IS BACK! This was definitely a way to shake up the Knockouts Division, and as the commentators points out- this was very much a fantasy booking moment with active competitors; and judging by Twitters reaction I'm just one of many that are looking forward to seeing where this goes.

Quick Side Note, It may have just been a coincidence- but when Taryn was coming out Madison was standing in the middle of the Beautiful People; foreshadowing?!

Bobby Rooooooo v Lashley- TNA WHC Match
I've seen some people blowing up over the finish, saying same old TNA etc. etc. I was at least satisfied with the ending because it left you with an incentive to stay tuned the next week. What you have to consider is this was the first show on the new network and they needed to give any new eyes on the product a reason to watch past the first show. Firstly, the new MVP faction will be interesting as they've been teasing tension between Lashley and MVP for a while now- and the motivations of the MVP faction are yet to be established. I like Low Ki being in the faction, although I am somewhat worried about how his involvement will affect Kenny Kings. I love Samoa Joe being in the faction, lets be honest- Joe is a good babyface, but he's an amazing heel; and if he can transition back into being the absolute killer he was ages ago- and eventually go rogue on MVP & Co. becoming an unstoppable monster all of the swerve finishes will be worth it. I'd have to look back into my Impact Reviews, but I'm 99% sure I called the EY Heel Turn back in September, and I love it- the fact these two have a genuine history that they can play with will only add to the feud, and crucially the fact that everyone except Angle in the current Main Event picture is against Roode will have him coming off as the perfect babyface.

Overall this was a great show, time constraints were an issue for some matches- but this was the first US Wrestling Show thats left me full satisfied outside of NXT in a long while.

Thanks as always for reading, I'm genuinely not sure if there is another Impact tomorrow so if anybody who reads this could clarify that'd be great- and these Impact Reviews will be back regularly now after the Winter Break. Thanks again, and stay tuned because this month I'll be going full throttle with my Wrestling & indeed Fulham blogs.

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