Hello! Its another Predictions Blog, and its the first stop on the Road to Wrestlemania- and this year that stop is in Philadelphia. This is going to be an interesting predictions blog, I've made my mind up on all of the outcomes apart from the Rumble Match- so when you see my waffling a bit its simply me putting my thought process down on paper, so I'll not only be convincing you- but also myself.
Pre-Show: New Day v KiddSaro and Adam Rose
This is possibly the most straightforward prediction, The Babyface pretty much always wins on the Pre-Show- although I'm a bit confused because I thought Xavier Woods was wearing one of those protective boots on RAW.
Winner: New Day
The Ascension v New Age Outlaws
Firstly, Weren't the Outlaws heels up until RAW? Or was their dastardly heel turn forgotten about as soon as "you know who" died returning to his home planet. Logic dictates that Ascension win, the Outlaws (among others) got the upper hand on RAW which usually means the opposite will happen at the PPV. The problem is, it seems Vince completely despises the Ascension. They're debut was beating former Tag Champions- but since then all of their opponents were plucked from the "Victims of Ryback Support Network" and the commentators were practically burying them on commentary. As such this isn't nearly as straightforward as it should be- but I have to pray that WWE isn't so shortsighted they'll have Ascension lose on their first PPV to two guys who won't wrestle again in a hurry.
Winner: The Ascension
The Bellas v Paige and Natalya
Again this could go either way, for almost similar reasons. On the one hand you could make the argument that Paige and Nattie will win because they're the babyface Total Divas- and while I'm on that subject I think its ludicrous they've sacrificed the Divas Title being defended for a Total Divas Tag Match. However, unfortunately I have seen the Total Divas episodes with Paige and they've teased some tension there (Total Divas logic, I know it was months ago) so I can see a miscommunication between the two resulting in
Winner: The Bellas
The Uso's v The Miz's: Tag Team Championship Match
On second thought this is probably the easiest match to predict, it seems as though any type of Naomi turn is firmly in the past- which also means no Stunt Naomi (Cries). As such The Uso's will win pretty convincingly and I would assume pretty quickly.
Winner: The Uso's
Brock Lesnar v John Cena v Seth Rollins: WWE Championship Match
If you look back at my Late Summer/Autumn PPV Prediction Blogs you'll know I had a bad feeling about Cena beating Brock in both- and I was technically right on one count. However, the addition of Rollins means Cena doesn't even have to beat Brock to win the belt. I think we're all agreed that Rollins has no hope. I'd like to see a scenario where Heyman turns on Brock in favour of Seth with Seth cashing in and winning the belt- but I think "you know who" coming back and joining Vince's KMA club is more likely. As such its between Brock and Cena, as I said with regard to the Ascension- the guy who gets the upper hand on RAW usually doesn't leave with the "W" and that would also rule out Brock- however I can't see them taking the belt off Brock this close to Mania so...
Winner: Brock Lesnar
Royal Rumble Match
Before I start, I'm going to be predicting the whole match- Yes it won't be spot on because jobbers can enter in pretty much any order, so if you want to skip the the overall winner more power to you.
#1- Daniel Bryan
#2- Kane
#3- Bo Dallas
#4- Luke Harper
#5- Stardust
#6- Fandango
#7- Finn Balor
#8- Rusev
#9- Goldust
#10- Matador #1
#11- Adam Rose
#12- Kofi Kingston
#13- Dolph Ziggler
#14- DDP
#15- Tyler Breeze
#16- Cody Rhodes
#17- The Bunny
#18- Matador #2
#19- Dean Ambrose
#20- Big Show
#21- Miz
#22- Cesaro
#23- Ryback
#24- Mizdow
#25- Roman Reigns
#26- Bad News Barrett
#27- Bray Wyatt
#28- RVD
#29- Seth Rollins
#30- Randy Orton
The Authority will pull some shenanigans tonight resulting in Daniel Bryan being drawn as #1 to seemingly give Bryan no hope of winning (even though its been done before), and just for an extra measure they sent out Kane as the #2 to try and get rid of him as quickly as possible. However, the opposite will happen with Bryan eliminating Kane after roughly 30 Seconds- giving him sufficient amount of time for some "Yes-ing". (Kane Eliminated by Daniel Bryan). Then we'll see Bo Dallas enter the fray- I can see him cutting a promo in the ring telling Bryan to Bo-lieve before Bryan kicks his head off, but I don't think he'll be eliminated yet because he'll literally hold on to the ropes for dear life to prevent it. With Kane already out, another "Authority Agent" will enter the ring with the intent to get rid of Bryan- this time Luke Harper. He'll come in and take Bryan's head off with a lariat (BECAUSE ITS A DAMN LARIAT) but there'll be that usual thing where it takes them an age to get to the ropes which'll mean Bryan can recover in time before kicking Harper's head off before eliminating him. (Luke Harper Eliminated by Daniel Bryan). We'll then see the entry of Stardust, which as you have already seen would be part of an angle for the Rumble Match- and bringing him in early would give them sufficient time to do so.
Then we'll see the entry of Fandango, I can see him dancing a load with Rosa on the stage and shimmying his way to down to the Ring before being dispatched in roughly the same time frame as Santino that one time- and this'd be accomplished by him getting his head kicked off by Bryan causing him to fall back over the Top Rope (Fandango Eliminated by Daniel Bryan). Unless I'm mistaken- and granted I'm not the biggest follower of Indy Wrestling, but I don't think there was ever "Devitt v Danielson" as such I can see Finn Balor coming in with his body paint with the crowd going mental before having a prolonged face-off with Bryan, and because the Rumble is in Philadelphia in front of one of the smarter crowds they'd appreciate the significance of this. We'll then see one of the guys who's predicted to have a big impact in this years Rumble Match- Rusev. He'll come in and do the usual laying everyone out (apart from Bo who'll still be hanging on to the bottom rope) and then once the initial flourish is done it'll be business as usual for a while. We'll then see the other half of The Dusts enter the fray, as part of the angle I'd have in the wings they'd initially be working together. Then we'll see Matador #1, I can't remember their names but I'm guessing their stereotypical so Chico it is. He won't last long though because The Dusts will quickly team up and dispatch him. (Chico Eliminated by The Dusts). But whats this, Goldust is eyeing up Stardust who has his back turned *GASP* (Stardust Eliminated by Goldust).
We shall then see the entry of Adam Rose, and he'll be one of the more entertaining entries for a number of reasons, similar to Fandango I can see him dancing his way down to the ring with The Rosebuds before swiftly being booted in the head by Bryan and falling back over the Top Rope- BUT The Rosebuds will catch him before doing a lap around the ring with him before swiftly placing him back on the Apron. We'll then see Kofi enter the mix, and the question will be how he magically manages to stay in the Rumble this time, and when it looks as though he's about to be knocked off the apron with no hope- The Rosebuds catch him, and do a celebratory lap around the ring with him before carefully putting him back on the Apron- this'll work for a number of reasons primarily because Rose is feuding with Kofi and the New Day (who I debated catching him as well.) However once Kofi has done his spot, his isn't long for this world and I can see Rusev superkicking him out of his boots and over the Top Rope as soon as he gets back in. (Kofi Kingston Eliminated by Rusev). We'll then see the entry of one of the favourites for the match- Dolph Ziggler. He'll come in and superkick everyone (apart from Bo) for his flourish, and I can see him setting his sights on Rusev primarily because of his Authority ties. We'll then get the token "Old-Timer" entry, I saw a number of rumours for who it could be- but given the HOF rumours accompanying him I can see DDP being the one. We'll then get the Second NXT-er entry, with Tyler Breeze entering the mixer- I was debating Neville or Zayn, but on balance I think it should be one babyface and one heel from NXT; and Balor will be the babyface. This'll lead to a face-off in the ring between the two NXT-ers and after a mini brawl I can see Balor eliminating Breeze pretty quickly. (Tyler Breeze Eliminated by Finn Balor).
Then to the shock of Goldust, we'll hear Cody Rhodes' theme play- and him coming out with a target firmly on Goldust's back and after a brief brawl (Goldust Eliminated by Cody Rhodes). He'll then go on to Cross Rhodes everyone (apart from Bo) for his little flourish. I'm not sure what the theme will be but we'll then get The Bunny coming out (so technically Sami Zayn is in the Rumble) with its sights firmly on Adam Rose and once again after a brief brawl we'll get Adam Rose being flung over the Top Rope by The Bunny and being caught by The Rosebuds- however this time they'll drop him. (Adam Rose Eliminated by The Bunny), and then something that'll be a hilarious visual in my book we'll have Dolph superkicking the bunny over the top rope (The Bunny is Eliminated by Dolph Ziggler). We'll then get Matador #2 who'll have another Stereotypical name, so he shall be called Raul- however Raul isn't long for this world and after a brief flourish he'll be taken out by Rusev. (Raul Eliminated by Rusev). We'll then get another of the favourites for the match- coming out Dean Ambrose. At this stage we'll have arguably the Top 3 Babyfaces that'll be entering the Rumble Match (Top 3 by Philadelphia Standard) Dolph, Bryan and Ambrose and after a brief moment I can see them turning around and seeing each other and eventually going at it with each other. We'll then get Big Show who's sights will be locked on Bryan- however Balor will get in his way resulting in his elimination (Finn Balor Eliminated by Big Show). We'll then get the usual "gang up on the massive guy" bit where Big Show eventually throws everyone off leaving them all briefly dead.
Then we'll see the entry of the The Miz, and his entry is pretty much just to facilitate a spot later on in the match. We're going to get one of my favourites coming out- Cesaro. However aside from him swinging a few people I don't think he'll be long the world, and by this stage it'd have been a while since Bryan got an elimination. (Cesaro Eliminated by Daniel Bryan), this'll also have the added bonus of having Bryan eliminate someone they like so it won't garner boos. We'll then get an entry from The Ryback- and after a brief tear through everyone he'll go after Rusev- and after some back and forth Ryback will get the better. (Rusev Eliminated by Ryback). But wait whats this, Ryback hasn't realised Bo Dallas is still there *GASP* (Ryback Eliminated by Bo Dallas). Then as Bo is going ballistic after eliminating the monster Ryback- he turns around to a Superkick from Dolph. (Bo Dallas Eliminated by Dolph Ziggler). After that chaotic string of events we'll be going back to sanity- with Mizdow entering the mix. However, he won't be long for this world as Miz will be taken out by Bryan almost as soon as Mizdow enters the ring. (Miz Eliminated by Daniel Bryan), and fulfilling his dutiful role as a stunt double- (Mizdow Eliminated by Mizdow). We'll then get the massive fan favourite Roman Reigns making his entry, and his entry flourish will result in a number of eliminations via Superman Punches (DDP Eliminated by Roman Reigns), (Cody Rhodes Eliminated by Roman Reigns), (Big Show Eliminated by Roman Reigns). This'll leave at this stage 4 of the favourites as the only guys in the ring; Bryan, Dolph, Ambrose and Reigns, who are coincidentally 4 Babyfaces.
This of course means we're due a heel, so who better than Bad News Barrett- who so it turns out took the IC Title from Dolph; so that'll be the focus for a bit just while everyone gathers themselves for the big finish- because Roman will no doubt be winded already. Now lets bring out another heel, and arguably the best full-time heel on the Roster- Bray Wyatt. Who as it turns out has a big history with Daniel Bryan; ya see I haven't just put this together randomly. We'll then get the token ECW guy for the Philly crowd; I saw a rumour that The Dudley's were talking to them- but I'm not sure how a Tag Team (which is all WWE would view them as) could make a "huge pop return" in the Royal Rumble- so I've gone with the slightly obvious choice of RVD. If it were entirely up to me I'd have had Raven; but the chances of that are minuscule. I'm basing this next entry off of a) The Rumble Match being the Main Event, and b) Brock winning- and to give their golden boy another chance at the Mania Main Event The Authority have brought in Rollins at seemingly the best possible time almost as late as possible with almost everyone exhausted. We'll get the stare off between the three ex-Shield members which'll no doubt get the crowd excited. But whats this? Someone hears voice in their head? The last entry will be a triumphant Randy Orton return with his eyes firmly set on Rollins- who I have no doubt could sell his return as his a nuclear holocaust was impending, and after a brief back and forth (Seth Rollins Eliminated by Randy Orton).
That's all entries out of the way and as it stands we have Bryan, Dolph, Ambrose, Reigns, Barrett, Bray, RVD and Orton to fight it out.
The first to go will be Barrett, as he's the most disposable- I'd have Dolph eliminate him because of the IC Title permutations surrounding that pairing, but *sigh* gotta make Roman look strong. (Bad News Barrett Eliminated by Roman Reigns). Next to go will be RVD- and I'll have Bray eliminate him purely because he's the only proper heel left at this stage. (Rob Van Dam Eliminated by Bray Wyatt). At this stage I'll have Bray going full throttle on the match- and given his history with Ambrose that'll be next on the list, with Bray as he has done frequently getting the better. (Dean Ambrose Eliminated by Bray Wyatt). But whats this? Its Rollins and J+J coming back out- why are they going after Orton they're not in the damn match (Randy Orton Eliminated by Rollins & J+J).
This'll leave us with a Final Four of Reigns, Wyatt, Bryan and Ziggler. Its a fact Reigns'll at least be in the Final Four so I challenge anyone to realistically pick a Better Four. The first to go will unfortunately be Dolph, out of the Four he's probably the most disposable in the eyes of management and I'd have Bray eliminate him for Babyface-Heel purposes; (Dolph Ziggler Eliminated by Bray Wyatt). However, Bray isn't long for this world- but I would have Bryan and Reigns briefly team up on him, and a series of kicks- leading into a Superman Punch meaning (Bray Wyatt Eliminated by Roman Reigns).
The Final Two is pretty obvious for all to see, and there is a different outcome every single time I think about it. On the one hand, you'd like to think they learned their lesson from last year when they got crucified for having Batista win it- in favour of Bryan (or ironically Reigns). But on the same notion Reigns is the golden child, so unfortunately (Daniel Bryan Eliminated by Roman Reigns).
Winner: Roman Reigns
If you skipped this and want the Short Version Here you Are:
The Kofi Spot is getting Caught by the Rosebuds
Bo Eliminates Ryback
Orton Returns & Eliminates Rollins
Rollins comes back with J+J and Returns the Favour
The Final Four is: Bryan, Dolph, Wyatt and Reigns
Roman Wins (LOL)
Thanks for reading as always, I hope you enjoyed my Rumble Match if you did read the long version- it was fun in a weird way to put together the match completely in my head; and I think the match I booked made sense and had a good balance to it- but I'll leave that up to you lot to decide. There'll of course be a Rumble Review tomorrow so stay tuned for that; and lets hope I'm wrong about the Main Event.
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