Sunday, 1 May 2016

Payback Predictions

Hello! Yes, Payback's tonight. I know right? In preparation for these Predictions, I looked up the card obviously so I don't miss a match and look stupid- and I found myself going "Oh Yeah, that's happening" for more than one match for tonight. Granted, I've been ill for most of this week- hence why there was no RAW Review but this last week hasn't felt like a "Go-Home" week for a PPV. With that said, there's undoubtedly some good things heading into tonight's PPV- which I'll try to highlight in these Predictions. Also, after the absolute disaster that was my Wrestlemania Predictions- I really need a good night tonight. So let's kick things off.

Who Controls Monday Night RAW?
I wasn't really sure where to put this, so I'm just starting off with it. I saw one idea (which I loved) of Vince revealing that Linda's taking over. Unfortunately, I doubt that's gonna happen. Also, I highly doubt there's going to be a true Brand Split considering they can barely fill up a RAW as it is without halving the number of people available. Just my opinion, I reckon Vince is going to give the big build-up on whether it'll Shane or Steph, chronicling the history of the WWE and talking about how big the decision is and as he reaches the crescendo of his speech "The person who's going to be in control of Monday Night RAW? ME!". Yep, Vince is taking control of RAW.

Quick side-note, if it were entirely me booking- I'd introduce Rollins back as the Authority Figure to get him back on TV and on peoples minds before he's ready to make an in-ring return. I'd also make a point of holding off on Seth wrestling until Summerslam when he'd be wrestling Triple H. So in short, Vince or Seth.

Pre-Show: Ryback v Kalisto- US Title
I predicted a Title change at Mania involving these two, and I am again tonight. For the simple reason, they've done fuck all with Kalisto since said Mania match. It's amazing to see how far the US Title's fallen since Cena dropped it, but I think I'm the person who still likes Ryback- as such it's going to be annoying to see how little they put into his US Title run after he wins it tonight. He is winning tonight, there's very few certainties on this card but I'd say this is one of them. You could always make the argument (that I've made many times) that the Babyface wins on the Pre-Show, but I think tonight will be an exception to the rule.
Winner: Ryback

The Miz v Cesaro- IC Title
We're kicking off the main card with one of the ones that can truly go either way in this match. On the one hand, there's Cesaro who's fresh off of a return and is- well Cesaro. In short, he's got a pretty good claim to winning the IC Title. But, then there's Miz who's having a really good year so far- and they're clearly invested in his character by adding Maryse to it and (just in my opinion) Heels work better as Champions of the "Secondary" Titles. There are exceptions to the rule, with the most recent example being Cena. However, in general- for the US/IC Title I believe Heels should have them more often than not. For the simple reason, it's a much easier story to tell and get over.

Especially in the US Title's case, there's hardly any time for it on the show- so when you have the "casual" viewer tuning in which is WWE's targeted audience they understand the story. Good trying to overcome Evil, and eventually "Good" wins.

On that theme, because this is their first match I reckon Miz is retaining. I don't know if that means he's "winning" and a DQ involving Maryse may be an option. Personally I'd love it if they kept the whole "Miz needing multiple takes" thing going and Maryse storms the ring shouting "CUT" (or "COUPE") after Cesaro's reversed a Skull Crushing Finale attempt- allowing Miz to hit it at a second attempt. With that said, I don't think Cesaro's been pinned yet since he's returned so they may want to protect him with a DQ or a Count-Out.
Winner: The Miz (or Cesaro by DQ)

The Vaudevillains v Enzo & Big Cass- Tag Title #1 Contender Tournament Final
This match is going to be a hard one to predict, because on a theme I'll discuss later- they might swerve us, by not swerving us. I'm sure 95% of people who've watched the show in the last month will be predicting The Dudleys interfering in this match to screw Enzo & Cass and by proxy allowing The Vaudevillains to win. Which I'm predicting as well, however because everyone's predicting it- the might just put Enzo & Cass over and pull the trigger on a feud with New Day in my opinion prematurely.
Winner: The Vaudevillains

Chris Jericho v Dean Ambrose
Jericho's whole gimmick is ridiculously meta at this point, and it's with that in mind that I'm predicting another "Jericho Burial" tonight. They need to run with this new Jericho Gimmick for a while, and build it up until either Ambrose, Cesaro or another one of the "Internet Darlings" beats Jericho clean further down the road. I really hope they don't just have Ambrose win, because Jericho's whole "thing" is that he likes holding younger talent down and burying them. So, Ambrose winning basically kills the feud- and Ambrose needs something to do until Money in the Bank.
Winner: Chris Jericho

Kevin Owens v Sami Zayn
I think this one's pretty easy to predict. It should be a really good match, and I hope they position it in a spot to get the maximum reaction from the crowd and to get a lot of time. I'd be giving this match the second most time on the card behind the Main Event, and you could even make the argument for this one getting more. In short, they're not going to blow this feud off in one match- and I can see these two feuding until Summerslam where Sami finally gets his win (it wouldn't be repeated Singles matches, they'd be in the MITB Ladder Match for one). In short, in the interests of them not blowing this feud off straight away Owens is winning.
Winner: Kevin Owens

Charlotte w/ Ric Flair v Natalya w/Bret Hart- Womens Title
When there was that thing in the week with Ric allegedly getting drunk in the Airport, I thought Nattie might actually have a chance tonight. As it was, that was a lot made out of nothing- so we're back to Nattie not really having a hope. I've said a number of times Natalya just doesn't have a chance of winning today, and it would massively de-rail what they're trying to accomplish with the new Womens Division if they did put the Title on her in my opinion.

It might just be because the Mania Predictions/Results have knocked my confidence, but with Bret out there- there's always a chance Nattie wins. However, I think the more likely outcome is Bret stops Ric from interfering- but that distracts Nattie and Charlotte wins with a Roll-Up. It's obviously good to see Bret back after all the problems he's had, but I wish they'd done this as a Cage Match to stop Ric from interfering. Although, that could be happening at Extreme Rules I suppose.
Winner: Charlotte

Baron Corbin v Dolph Ziggler
If I had to compare this to a previous match, it would be Corbin's match with Joe at the Summerslam Takeover. A LOT of people were predicting he'd win if my memory is correct, but as the match progressed it became clear it was more to do with Corbin needing a really good match to properly cement his character in the upper echelons of NXT. With that in mind, Dolph could win tonight- as alien as that concept is at this stage of Dolph's career. It's definitely a lot more likely that Corbin simply wins though, and that's what I'm predicting to happen. However, when I do my Accumulator (which I've probably already done by the time you're reading this) this is one of the ones that I reckon could do me in.
Winner: Baron Corbin

Roman Reigns v AJ Styles- WWE Title
Right then, this one is going to be interesting. I think I've said it a ridiculous number of times at this point, the only actual "swerve" tonight is if Gallows & Anderson actually align with Styles tonight. There's four (realistic) things that could happen in this Main Event are;
- Gallows & Anderson hit the ring, attack Roman- then turn around attack AJ
- Gallows & Anderson screw AJ because he refuses their help and then leave
- Gallows & Anderson screw AJ and align with Roman
- Gallows & Anderson screw AJ and Balor debuts

Notice the theme there? My preference out of those four is having Gallows & Anderson align with Roman, and Roman's revealed to be the "3rd Man". I've said it a number of times at this stage, it would just be the best outcome in my opinion. I know NXT is a different world, but I can't see them having Balor wrestling Joe at the next Takeover (and presumably losing) if they're going to have him be an all-dominant force on the Main Roster with Gallows and Anderson either side of him.

As such, and I believe I've booked this on here before- but I'll repeat it. Gallows & Anderson align with Roman tonight, and we get a run with them as the "Roman Empire" (yes, name could use some work). Then at either Battleground or (my preference) Summerslam, after Roman's won they turn on him- Balor debuts on the stage laughing and it's revealed it was all part of his "grand plan". This would also mean we get the Balor Club ascending during the usual "slow season" of the Autumn/Winter PPV's which is for the best in my opinion.

The problem with that idea, is of course the fact if it happens Balor's in the WWE Title picture right off the bat- and if he loses to Roman the gimmick's dead before it's really got going. I also believe the WWE are angling for a Shield Triple Threat for the Title at Mania, so in short the idea does need some work- but Roman turning tonight is my preferred outcome. Above all the other ideas though, this is a Predictions Post- and the outcome is pretty easy in my opinion, it's just a matter of how they get there.
Winner: Roman Reigns

Tonight's PPV is definitely going to be interesting, it's the first one Post-Mania- and they need to get a lot done tonight. Whether they will or not remains to be seen, but I've got reasonably high hopes for tonight. The obvious Match of the Night candidate is Zayn/Owens- but I really do think Styles/Roman will surprise quite a few people. I do primarily believe that this'll be quite a fun PPV on the whole though, in other words the antithesis of Mania.

Thanks for reading as always, I'm sorry about missing the RAW Review- but I was ill and that combined with not a lot really happening meant it wasn't really worth it. The only thing worth talking about was Gallows & Anderson's Theme, which is alright- especially considering they probably won't be using it for long. Thanks again for reading, I hope you're back here tomorrow for the Review- and in the mean-time you tag along on Twitter tonight. WHO'S READY FOR LINDA TO TAKE CHARGE OF RAW?!

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