Thursday, 4 September 2014

TNA Impact Review- 3rd September

Hello, Welcome to my third review of the WRESTLING show we get every week. After last weeks Impact which was good- but not extraordinary we came into a week which promised a #1 Contender Match between Eric Young and Bobby Roode, and a Knockouts Title match between Gail Kim and Taryn Terrell this episode of Impact promised a lot; and boy did it deliver.

MVP, Lashley, Kenny King, Samoa Joe segment
I really like MVPs gimmick seemingly of a boxing promoter, as his promo skills lend itself greatly to it- and he's completely jumped into the gimmick from the way he dresses to his mannerisms. The only thing I'd say which is negative with regard to the MVP situation currently is; Kenny King is non-existent. King is a very good wrestler, and with MVPs "promoter" gimmick I thought he'd be hyping both of his "clients". Although this could lead to something down the road with King and Lashley/MVP King is quickly becoming irrelevant in the three man faction

I loved the next bit of the segment, It was a real throwback with regard to the match being made around who's tougher. It didn't have any bells and whistles, it was simply Joe wanting to prove he was tougher than Lashley. This was a great way to build the match because its seldom so simple now to build a match, so when they give us this build its very refreshing.

Gail Kim v Taryn Terrell
These two seemingly deliver every time they're given a full match in which to work. Taz (for once) made sense on commentary when he said the Knockouts leave everything on the line, and this is in direct contrast with the Divas who aren't given enough time or storyline with which to merit a high impact (no pun intended) match at the end of it. The match itself was very good I liked the Neckbreaker spot on the Steel Steps incapacitating both Gail and Taryn as such a damaging move is usually no-sold by the person delivering it. It also added an element of doubt with regard to the finish as they were both selling injuries after the move. The finish was good with both of them delivering their finishers- although they have to name Taryns RKO/Diamond Cutter finish eventually. With Gail picking up the victory.

Gail picking the win up I presume was because of what happened next; Jessicka Havok debuted. Havok is someone I'm relatively familiar with, as I'm sure quite a few people are- and I really liked her coming in as the wrecking ball with the weird mask and face paint. However, WHY DOES EVERY SINGLE MONSTER HEEL KNOCKOUT HAVE TO SCREAM? It didn't work with Lei'd Tapa and it won't work with Havok. However with Gail in the opposite corner for the feud these two should deliver matches which could rival or better Gails matches with Kong.

EC3, Spud, Rhino Segment
EC3 is quickly becoming the best talent TNA has picked up from WWE. When Derrick Bateman was feuding with Johnny Curtis over Maxine I absolutely hated him, and when he was released I assumed he would work a few independents, and would maybe get picked up by TNA for a brief run similar to Trent Barreta. Whats happened instead is EC3 has become one of the best parts of WWE and TNA combined, his promo's have improved a million times over and he's become the most entertaining part of any feud he's been involved in since he joined TNA (okay, with the exception of Norv Fernum).

The segment itself was fine, and I like the fact they keep holding off on Rhino getting his hands on EC3- and if it were up to me it would turn into a Dreamer-Raven type feud where whatever Rhino does he can't beat EC3. As in my opinion they should keep building EC3- and Rhino going over him isn't going to do much long-term.

Gunner and Samuel Shaw v Bram and Magnus
Is Shaw a babyface now? Does this mean Anderson is a heel? Sometimes a "blurred line" character is interesting, but only when its done correctly. I simply don't understand what the end game for this is. At first I thought it'd be Gunner turning on Anderson, however I explained why that wouldn't work a few weeks ago- and it seems TNA agreed. But what is going to happen? I thought Shaw being late for the save would lead to an argument of some kind but instead Shaw attacked the ref until Gunner pulled him off and calmed him down. I'm intrigued as to whats going to happen with regard to this story, however if they don't pull the trigger on whatever they're going to do they run a very real risk of losing any momentum the story would get.

Bobby Roode v Eric Young- #1 Contender Match
Firstly I assumed the backstage vignettes with MVP would lead to a "win at all cost" kind of finish. But as such we got a clean finish with Roode going over, which isn't the worst way they could of done it- but wasn't the best either. I think they should of had both men put everything on the line, and play up an element of distrust between the two men. With Roode going over with Youngs leg being under the ropes, however I do understand why they've had Roode go over clean as they need to have him look strong going into a fight against Lashley.

6 Way X-Division Match
Firstly the match was painfully short, I understand we can't have 20minute matches for every single match- but with the workers involved I thought they'd get at least 10 minutes. However Homicide went on to win the match- which was fine by me because of the history between Joe and Homicide. The aftermath with "The Great" Sanada and Storm ambushing Manik was much more interesting in my opinion. "The Great" Sanada using the superkick is an interesting development, and it seems Storm is going down the route of a cult- which they have to be very careful with to avoid being called a "Wyatt Family Ripoff"

Rockstar Spud v Rhino
I must admit I thought Spud was going to win this. I thought he'd win with a roll up after a lot of interference on the part of EC3. However the way it worked was also fine by me, because this could lead to a Spud feud down the road with EC3, where Spud eventually gets annoyed that he takes all the heavy blows. The match was perfectly good for what it was meant to be with Rhino looking very dangerous, and as said previously the strong build for Rhino should make EC3 get even hotter with the crowd when he goes over.

Samoa Joe v Lashley
This wasn't a "wrestling match" this was a fight. Although Lashley went over the manner in which the match went down meant it didn't greatly affect Joe, and he still looks like a complete killer. Lashley going through guys at the rate he is, is a very dangerous game- especially with his Bellator fight coming up. I don't claim to know much about MMA however I know from a Pro Wrestling standpoint having your TNA World Heavyweight Champion losing in a "shoot" fight wouldn't be good business for TNA after he's gone through pretty much everybody on the TNA roster.

Thanks again for reading, It seems TNA is becoming the "wrasslin" show every week which is high on praise, and hopefully this praise turns into a TV deal. Thanks again for reading- feedback is very much appreciated, even if you think I'm completely wrong about something.

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